Build Mental Strength – To Increase Your Confidence and Well Being

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Build Mental Strength – To Increase Your Confidence and Well Being

Life is full of influences. Some are good, some are neutral, and some are bad. Knowing how to identify what is good, neutral, and bad is an essential life skill needed to protect your mental health and overall well being.

If you struggle with mental strength, learning how to resist bad influences, such as the ones that weaken your confidence and overall well being, is an excellent first step you can take to build your toughness.

What does it mean to be a “mentally strong” person?

Mentally strong folks are good at protecting their mental health, peace, and stability from outside forces. Life is always going to throw unpredictable situations your way – this is an unavoidable fact of life. However, while you do not have control over everything that happens in your life, you do have the power to control how you personally react to these kinds of situations. This is where mental strength comes into play.

Mental strength involves using a series of strategies to protect and preserve your mental health, peace, and stability during difficult times. A great way to build your mental strength so you are well-prepared for these unavoidable parts of life is to learn how to avoid and resist influences that can make being mentally strong challenging.

What are some examples of influences that can weaken your confidence and well being?

There are a variety of influences that can weaken your confidence and overall well being. These vary from person to person, though they all have one important aspect in common: they make it difficult for you to feel good about yourself. Consider these common examples of such influences:

– Toxic relationships or environments

– A desire to fit in with a particular group of people who don’t have your best interests in mind

– Societal standards of health, wellness, success, and beauty – especially ones that are difficult (or even impossible!) for the average person to achieve

– “If only” thinking (also known as the distorted thinking pattern that makes people believe life would be better if only they could be a certain way, have something, etc.)

– ….and many more! Unfortunately, there are a variety of influences in the world that can weaken a person’s confidence and well being.

What are some strategies for resisting these types of negative influences?

The negative influences aren’t going away; learning how to resist them to protect your confidence and overall well being is a must. Consider using these strategies to make doing so feel a little easier:

1. Limit the amount of time you spend on social media.

Social media encourages a lot of comparison. Rather than spending countless hours comparing yourself to the “highlight reels” of photos and updates people post online, unplug from the internet and enjoy some other hobbies and activities you enjoy.

2. Use positive affirmations to start your day.

Begin each day with some positive affirmations to remember your own great aspects and qualities. In a world full of influences that can weaken your confidence and well being, reminding yourself of how valuable you are is a great way to fortify yourself against negative influences.

3. Be selective with your relationships.

Be choosy when choosing your friends and partners in life. A toxic person can zap your confidence and make you feel terrible about yourself. Build your mental strength by surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people – not negative and toxic ones.

4. Set and enforce boundaries.

Setting and enforcing boundaries can feel awkward and uncomfortable, but doing so is a fantastic way to resist and avoid influences that can wreak havoc on your confidence and well being. Setting a boundary isn’t “being mean or unfair” to someone else – it’s drawing a line to protect yourself from abuse and discomfort.





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About the Author: admin

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